Posts Tagged ‘Card Board Cutouts’

“How easy is it to have an ‘Oscars’ of my own?” – Party Planning Tips from – Making Parties Special…

September 4, 2008
Making Parties Special!

Making Parties Special!

Every time I drive on Park Lane in London, I have noticed that there are more and more Awards Ceremonies taking place these days. Just the other day I saw the Bakery Awards were on at the Grosovenor House Hotel! This got me thinking, why not throw an awards ceremony of my own? I could do one for work, my friends, or even my own family (and the award for best son goes to….)

But how Easy is it? How do you go about changing your own living room or work space into your own version of Hollywood? And more importantly, where do you go for all of your ‘Oscar’ Style Theme supplies? has a great selection of Party Supplies for all Occasions no matter what the theme.

OK, so we know where to look, but what do we actually need? First we need to set the scene, what better than the red carpet scene setter!? This baby will go round a 40ft room and stands 4ft high. Another good thing is that it is made out of plastic so you can stick other smaller scene setters to it look below:

This is great because as soon as you walk into the room, you’ll feel like you’re in Hollywood, but why not leave your guests starry eyed before they even reach the room? Why not give the the Red Carpet treatment, and I actually mean Red Carpet!

If you don’t have the space for the Red Carpet runner then you can go for the VIP Entrance Sign which is suitably “blinged” out in gold!

Inside the room you have all sorts of options, and it really all depends on how much you would like to go into it. Some people prefer to keep it simple with some Hollywood Style decorations for the room and some balloons as well for good measure. But then there are some people out there (like me) that like to put everything into anything we do! If it means that the living room has to be changed for the night, then so be it! It is at this point, that the options truly become endless! For your table there are glittering Cascade Centrepiece’s and Gold and Silver Starred Table skirts!

But we’re not stopping there, oh no, for your ceiling there are the movie light lanterns, Stars on Strings and Hollywood Banners.

Then there are the excellent extra touches you can throw in such as a City Light’s Centre Piece for a table, Your very own walk of fame with the Hollywood Stars which you can have your guests names in (or your own if you feel like you should be getting the accolade!)

You can decorate the hallway with Hollywood Street Signs.

The most important thing for any Oscar/Awards party are the Oscars themselves! However ridiculous the categories may be (Best User of a Photocopier as a bed), there still needs to be a prize presentation, and why not go for the authentic Oscar statue to make them feel extra special!?

All this talk of awards it too much for me, I’ll have to get my own award for giving the best Party Tips! Good luck with your awards and I hope that you win every category you were nominated for (as the planner you should win at least one shouldn’t you!) and please let us know how your “Oscars” party turned out and whether you have any good tips for us!

Making Parties Special!

Making Parties Special!

Life Size Movie, TV and Celebrity Cut outs and Stand up Decorations

September 2, 2008

So you’re having a Movie Themed party and you want to make sure that the surroundings are suitably decorated. It’s fine to have the usual Confetti, Balloons and banners, but how can you make your party really come to life? Stephen Spielberg would simply pick up the phone and have the Costume Department and pull out the Darth Vader suit from storage along with a couple of Storm Trooper Costumes for good measure. For the rest of us that don’t have these connections there is now another way to get the real life effect!

Full Life Size Cut outs are now available for almost every occasion. If your “Force is Strong” you can have Darth Vader in your living room!

Darth Vader Cut out Approx 6ft

Darth Vader Cut out Approx 6ft

But remember that you wouldn’t want an influx of the Dark Side in your living room, balance the force with Yoda (not as big as Darth but he has a lot of heart!)

Yoda Life Size Cut Out (3ft approx)

Yoda Life Size Cut Out (3ft approx)

But we’re getting carried away with Star Wars here aren’t we… There are plenty of others to choose from, how about spending some time with a “relaxed” Homer Simpson who’s very comfortable in his under pants!

Homer Cut Out Approx 6ft

Homer Cut Out Approx 6ft

If he’s not dressed Appropriately, why not go ultra cool and trendy and have The High School Musical Cast as company? We’ve got Zac Efron, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and plenty more to pose and take pictures with!

Zac Efron High School Musical

Zac Efron High School Musical

Vanessa Anne Hudgens High Scool Musical

Vanessa Anne Hudgens High Scool Musical

Ashley Tisdale High School Musical Cutout

Ashley Tisdale High School Musical Cutout

But Why Stop there?! You Can have Optimus Prime, Megatron, Spongebob Squarepants, Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Carribean), Arnie (Terminator) and many many many more!

Why not check out our full collection here and take a look at some of the accessories too at